Monday, January 12, 2009

‘Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age’ As Per the Global Warning Report

The Earth is now about to enter a more ice age, according to a large and powerful body of proof for climate science. Many sources of data that make our data base for long-term climate change shows that the heat twelve one thousand years long Holocene period soon be completed to an end, and the earth will return to the ice situation for the next 100,000 years. . The Earth is currently warming as a result of natural ice age cycle and the sea is warmer, they emit large amounts of CO2 gas in the atmosphere. The middle part of the credentials that is cited in the team with AGW (man-made global warming) theory is the well-known "hockey stick" graph, which was bought by Al Gore in the 2006 movie "The truth is not easy." The "hockey stick" shows an acute upward spike in global temperatures that began in the 1970s and continued through the winter of 2006/07. But this warming trend was interrupted when the winter of 2007 / 8 provided deepest snow cover the northern hemisphere since 1966, and the coldest temperatures since 2001.
Global Warming Update: ‘Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age’
As Democrats, including President Barack Obama with the media henchmen still spread the devices, panic-stricken climate alarm to raise taxes and redistribute wealth, it may not be practical truth has just been presented to the international community: "The Earth is now at about to enter another ice age, according to a large and convincing body of evidence of climate science. "perhaps more important:" The [man-made global warming] theory is based on data coming from a ridiculous narrow period of time, an irresponsible and shows contempt for the "big picture" of long-term climatic changes. "The reason that the global CO2 level rises and falls in line with the global temperature caused by cold water is able to retain more CO2 than warm water. Therefore, carbonated beverages lose carbonation or CO2 when stored in a hot environment.
For the duration of the 1970's, the famous American astronomer Carl Sagan and several researchers began to promote the theory that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, or CO2, produced by human industry can lead to catastrophic global warming. Frost casting foundry cores, ocean sediment cores, the geological history and the study of ancient plant and animal populations all show a common pattern in the Ice Age glacial maximum each last about 100,000 years, separated by intervening warm interglacial each lasts about 12,000 years.
Global warming update video

Summary:"The Earth is now at about to enter another ice age, according to a large and convincing body of evidence of climate science. to promote the theory that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, or CO2, produced by human industry can lead to catastrophic global warming.

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