Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama Offers Open Channels to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea

The broad outlines of President Barack Obama national security comes into clearer focus when the new administration signals it will try a carrot and stick strategy against countries like Pakistan, Iran and North Korea.
Obama Offers Open Channels to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea
Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton MS offered conciliatory language on some of Washington's enemies. They said they will seek greater diplomatic engagement with Iran, and Mrs. Clinton in his first meeting with journalists since taking office, showed that she would favor direct talks with North Korea, a move long resisted by the Bush administration.

Mr. Obama in his first formal interview as president, said the Arabic-language news channel al-Arabiya that he will try to negotiate with Iran. "It is important for us to be willing to talk with Iran, to express very clearly where our differences, but the potential for development," Mr. Obama said in an interview released Tuesday. "If countries like Iran are willing to unclench his fist, they will find an outstretched hand from us." Mrs. Clinton repeated that language.

Obama Channels Cosby.-

1 comment:

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Barack Obama is trying to be nice to fanatics in the hope they will kill us last

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are preparing to write a nice "make up" letter to Iran. They do not understand that the leaders of Iran are fanatics who want to kill us or forcibly convert us to their brand of Islam.

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