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Locked in a bitter public spat his crumbling marriage top model Ujjwala Raut, a British citizen Craig Maxwell Sterry on

Model Ujjwala Raut.
Thursday moved the Supreme Court challenging the decision to cancel his / her PIO card.
One of a few days after the Goa Bench of Bombay High Court refuses to stay the August 10 order canceling his PIO card, Sterry was the Supreme Court, accuses the Center succumbing the pressure of his "powerful" the wife, who was transferred to a divorce application against him in 2008, before the family court in Mumbai.
"My wife is a very powerful and influential person who has attempted to create havoc in my life, starting with false complaints. Ujjwala Raut, and with the connivance of them is lobbying for the cancellation PIO card, which was given to me October 11, 2006," said model-turned-entrepreneur Sterry, who was Raut married billed as India's largest international model, in New York in 2002.
Seeking stay the order of cancellation of his PIO card, Sterry through counsel Devadatt stuff, sought protection in a court peak against all coercive step in the Center and the Goa government to deport him back to Britain.
"Ever since the birth of baby Ksha in 2005, and things began to sour relations between the petitioner and Raut. He is one of fairly SEARCH Ksha after his wife was busy with her modeling tasks," the petition said.
Sterry was recently sent a letter, which contains graphic details of an ugly and violent scuffle between him and Raut Goa their home, which was sorted by interference with the police. He was also issued a version of how and why the marriage mureni course blame Raut it.
Raut, who has walked the ramp angle is the world's leading designers such as Ungaro, Cavalli, Gucci and Paul Smith, of the contested Sterry version and was told: "If Maxwell's argument is wrong to use intimidation, and why he sent you (the media) the letters' Why he did not resort to court procedures, which is how things should be. "
Source : TomesofIndia
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