It is shocking news for all movie friend people now, actor Prabhu Deva and Nayanthara both are marred together. This is the latest report from Chennai film circle. There was rumor previous in addition, that Nayanatara and Prabhudeva were in love however, the most recent rumors say that Prabhudeva joined a knot with Nayanatara.
Prabhudeva on his marriage with Nayanatara, When the media asked to Prabhudeva that time Prabhudeva replied in his personal way as ‘That is just my private, it will not respond on those news. Please do not ask this type of question’.
When Tamil media (new channel) contacted Nayanatara’s personal helper, he condemned the information and he conveys Nayanatara’s communication to media. According to Nayanatara, ‘She was not married to Prabhdeva.
There are many friends in the business; Prabhu is one of my special friends of mine. She does not have any extra time to think of marriage now. And she request to media that please do not attribute my friendship to love and marriage.’
Now Prabhu Deva will be seen in to some of the Hindi films and he was ready to start his career in Hindi film world. Meanwhile Nayan too is missing in city and seem to have left for out of the country. This has evoked yet many on this matter.
According to Anyways, ‘Nothing is Impossible’ is the method of life while ‘Everything is possible in affairs’ happens to be more in glitter municipality.